Large beast- Challenge
- 5
- 1
- 5
- 0
- 2
- −1
- Soak
- 1
- Fort
- +6
- Ref
- +4
- Will
- +2
Maneuvers. The banderhobb uses maneuvers (maneuver save Difficulty 16). It has 9 stamina dice which are d8s, a dice limit of 2, regains all expended stamina dice when it finishes a long rest, and regains half its total stamina dice when it finishes a short rest. It knows the following maneuvers:
At will: grapple (Bite only)
1 stamina die: ambush, blind, fling (Tongue only), fountain of blood, spring attack, stalking shadow
2 stamina dice: gag
Resonant Connection. If the banderhobb has even a tiny piece of a creature or an object in its possession, such as a lock of hair or a splinter of wood, it knows the most direct route to that creature or object if it is within 2 kilometers of the banderhobb.
Actions (2)
Bite (1/turn). Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit. Hit: 22 (5d6 + 5) piercing damage. If the banderhobb uses the grapple maneuver, the target is restrained until the grapple ends, and the banderhobb can’t use its bite attack or tongue attack on another target.
Tongue (1/turn). Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 3 m. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) necrotic damage and if the target is Medium or smaller, it must make a Difficulty 16 Reflex saving throw. On a failure, the target is pulled to a space within 1 meter of the banderhobb and it can make a bite attack against the target.
Swallow (1/turn). The banderhobb makes a bite attack against a Medium or smaller creature it is grappling. If the attack hits, the creature takes the bite’s damage, it is swallowed, and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the banderhobb and it takes 17 (5d6) necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns. The banderhobb can have only one Medium creature (or 2 Small, and 3 Tiny) creature swallowed at a time.
While the banderhobb isn’t incapacitated, it can regurgitate all swallowed creatures at any time (no action required) in a space within 1 meter of it. The creature exits prone.
If the banderhobb takes 20 damage or more on a single turn from the swallowed creatures, the banderhobb must succeed on a Difficulty 25 Fortitude saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate the creature, which falls prone in a space within 1 meter of the banderhobb. If the banderhobb dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by using 3 meters of movement, exiting prone.
Once a creature is no longer swallowed, its armor or natural armor is corroded 1 until the end of the banderhobb’s next turn or until the end of the round if the banderhobb is dead.
Shadow Step (1/turn). While in dim light or darkness, the banderhobb can teleport up to 10 meters to an unoccupied space it can see that is also in dim light or darkness. Before or after teleporting, it can make a bite or tongue attack.
As an action, you can use Stealth without using an action. Additionally, before the end of your next turn, you can add the stamina die to an attack’s damage (add half on a miss by 4 or less) if you have advantage on the attack, or if the creature is within 1 meter of an enemy of the creature that isn’t incapacitated and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack.
You can increase the damage for each additional stamina die expended.
As an action, make a weapon attack as you strike a sensitive area.
On a hit, add the stamina die to the attack’s damage and the creature must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw or it is blinded until the end of its next turn.
On a critical hit, add twice as much damage.
On a miss by 4 or less, add half as much damage.
You can increase the damage for each additional stamina die expended.
You can expend 2 additional stamina die so the creature is blinded for 1 minute/stamina die. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
As an action you can attempt to grab and throw a creature that is your size or smaller with a natural weapon such as a tentacle. The creature must make a Reflex saving throw.
On a failure, you throw it 2 meters away from you where it falls prone and takes bludgeoning damage equal to the stamina die.
On a critical failure, you throw it twice as far and it takes twice as much damage.
You can increase the damage, target a creature of a larger size, and throw the creature an additional 2 meters for each additional stamina die expended.
As a reaction, which you use when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack and reduce it to 0 health, you can rip into your foe as it drops. Each creature of your choice in a sphere twice as big as normal around you must make a Will saving throw.
On a failure, a creature is frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
As an action, make a melee weapon attack and a Brawn check to grapple the creature.
You can add the stamina die to the attack’s damage (add half on a miss by 4 or less) for each additional stamina die expended.
As an action, you can use the Dash action. If you move at least 3 meters straight toward a creature, you can make a melee weapon attack against it.
On a hit, add the stamina die to the attack’s damage.
On a critical hit, add twice as much damage.
On a miss by 4 or less, add half as much damage.
You can increase the damage for each additional stamina die expended.
As a reaction, which you use when an enemy within 5 meters moves away from you, you can move up to half your speed toward the creature’s position. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.
As an action, make a melee weapon attack to render the creature unable to speak.
On a hit, add one stamina die to the attack’s damage and the creature must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw or it can’t speak until the end of its next turn.
On a critical hit, add twice as much damage.
On a miss by 4 or less, add half as much damage.
You can increase the damage for each additional stamina die expended.