Adult Oblex
Medium ooze- Challenge
- −1
- 4
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- Fort
- +3
- Ref
- +2
- Will
- +5
Amorphous. The adult oblex can move through a space as narrow as 2 centimeters wide without squeezing.
Aversion to Fire. If the adult oblex takes fire damage, it has disadvantage on skill checks until the end of its next turn.
Spellcasting. The adult oblex uses Psionics (int) to cast spells (spell save Difficulty 15, +6 to hit with spell attacks). It has 5 mana, a mana limit of 1, regains all expended mana when it finishes a long rest, and regains half its total mana when it finishes a short rest. It knows the following spells:
1 mana: agonizing rebuke, call to mind, confusion, cutting words, mind spike, sense minds
Actions (2)
Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 5 (2d4) psychic damage.
Eat Memories (1/turn). The adult oblex targets one creature it can see within 1 meter of it. The target must succeed on a Difficulty 15 Will saving throw or take 31 (7d8) psychic damage and become memory drained until it finishes a short or long rest or until it benefits from the restoration spell augmented to greater restoration. Constructs, oozes, plants, and undead succeed on the save automatically.
While memory drained, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from any skill check it makes. Each time the target is memory drained beyond the first, the die size increases by one: the d4 becomes a d6, the d6 becomes a d8, and so on until the die becomes a d20, at which point the target becomes unconscious for 1 hour. The effect then ends.
When the adult oblex causes a target to become memory drained, the adult oblex learns all the languages the target knows and gains all its aptitudes, except for any saving throw aptitudes.
Sulfurous Impersonation (1/turn). The adult oblex can extrude a piece of itself that assumes the appearance of one Medium or smaller creature whose memories it has stolen. This simulacrum appears, feels, and sounds exactly like the creature it impersonates, though it smells faintly of sulfur. The adult oblex can impersonate 1d6 + 1 different creatures, each one tethered to its body by a strand of slime that can extend up to 20 meters away. For all practical purposes, the simulacrum is the adult oblex, meaning the adult oblex occupies its space and the simulacrum’s space simultaneously. The slimy tether is immune to damage, but it is severed if there is no opening at least 2 centimeters wide between the adult oblex’s main body and the simulacrum. The simulacrum disappears if the tether is severed.
As a reaction, which you use when you are hit by an attack or missed by 4 or less or take psychic damage, you absorb some of the incoming energy. You have resistance to psychic damage until the start of your next turn, including against the triggering damage. If the creature who damaged you is within 10 meters, it must make a Will saving throw.
On a failure, it takes 1d4 psychic damage and is staggered until the end of its next turn.
On a critical failure, it takes twice as much damage.
On a success, it takes half as much damage.
On a critical success, it takes no damage.
You can increase the damage by 3d4 for each additional mana expended.
As a reaction, which you use when you use an skill check using Intelligence to do one of the following:
- Recall knowledge
- Identify an alchemical concoction
- Identify a herb, poison, or potion
- Identify a concoction or spell
- Identify a magic or technological item
- Diagnose illness
- Understand the gist of a language
- Communicate in a language
You can recall natural memories and knowledge previously inaccessible to you. You can reroll the Intelligence check.
As an action, you assault and twist a creature’s mind, spawning delusions and provoking uncontrolled actions. Choose a creature that you can touch or see within 10 meters. The target must succeed on a Will saving throw or it is confused until the end of its next turn.
You can expend 1 additional mana so the duration changes to 1 minute/mana, concentration and the creature is confused for the duration. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
You can target one additional creature for each additional mana expended. The creatures must be within 5 meters of each other when you target them.
As a reaction, which you use when another creature that you can touch or see within 10 meters makes a skill check or a saving throw, you can use your wit to distract, confuse, and otherwise sap the confidence and competence of the creature. The creature makes the roll with disadvantage. The creature is immune if it is a construct or an undead, can’t hear you, or is immune to being charmed. You can do so after the roll but before any effects of the roll occur.
If the roll already has advantage or disadvantage, you cannot apply another instance of advantage or disadvantage and you must use this before the roll to cancel out any advantage or disadvantage.
You can use cutting words against one additional creature for each additional mana expended. The creatures must be within 5 meters of each other when you target them.
concentration, 1 hour/mana
As an action, you reach into the mind of a creature that you can touch or see within 10 meters. The creature must make a Will saving throw.
On a failure, it takes 3d10 psychic damage and you know the target’s location for the duration, but only while the two of you are on the same plane of existence. While you have this knowledge, the target can’t become hidden from you, and if it’s invisible, it gains no benefit from that condition against you.
On a critical failure, it takes twice as much damage.
On a success, it takes half as much damage.
On a critical success, it takes no damage.
You can increase the damage by 3d10 for each additional mana expended.
concentration, 5 minutes/mana
As an action, you can sense the presence of non-mindless creatures within 10 meters for the duration, which allows you to pinpoint where the creature is located.
The spell can penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked by 30 centimeters of stone, 2 centimeters of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 1 meter of wood or dirt.