Kryx RPG

A tabletop RPG with open-ended characters and dynamic creatures
Classes have archetypes and choose feats from their known themes. A Mage for example has its core features, features for a Magus (half caster) or Wizard (full caster) as well as feats from the themes it knows. For example a Mage may choose to select feats from both the Metabolism and Teleportation themes.
This allows for more customizable characters, allowing them to mix and match feats from different themes or select feats that focus on how they want to play. For example, a Tempest Acolyte can choose to focus on feats that have effects when they cast spells, augment their melee strikes, or do something entirely differently.
Classes are balanced for short rests instead of different classes recharging at different times which creates party imbalance.
Classes are balanced against each other with features given at common intervals across all classes.
Classes give ability increases to allow for more diverse character options.
Feats are smaller in size and are one system between feats and theme feats (formerly subclass features).
Warrior absorbs the Barbarian and the Fighter.
The Bard is removed, but the Minstrel is a beta class.
Saving throws use Fortitude, Reflex, and Will to balance out those options.
Armor changed to be more flavorful and fair to each class.
Some weapons options improved or aligned with other weapon options of the same type.
Multiclassing is not allowed as the amount of player choices is greatly expanded and should cover the need of multiclassing. Additionally multiclassing can present balance problems, leading to players to choose it for pure mechanical benefit.
If a player experiences radical change a GM can consider allowing them to change classes over a few levels or another appropriate solution. For example an Acolyte might fall into disfavor with its deity. It could then choose to forsake magic and become a Warrior or it could choose to make a deal with a patron to further its magic (becoming a Suffused).
Characters start with +2 instead of +3 in their main ability so there is room for them to grow.
Species are balanced against one another.
Species start with health.
Species don’t provide ability improvements. This is so that species can be used for more character concepts instead of being limited based on their abilities.
Maneuvers and Spells are divided into themes.
More character choice (specialists have access to all spells that match their thematic choices).
Spells have more effects based on their theme. Acid spells deal half as much damage the following round, Air spells push or knock prone, Earth spells knock prone, Fire spells cause the target to start burning, Ice spells slow, Light spells blind, Poison spells add the poisoned condition, Storm spells prevent reactions or possibly even stun, Water spells cause wetness and push or knock prone.
Concoctions are created by alchemical reactions which produce altering effects, deadly poisons and diseases, or great explosions.
Rather than standing still and trading blows, maneuvers allow each round to become a contest of strategy as each combatant delves into their repertoire of tricks to out-maneuver and ultimately defeat their opponent.
Use mana instead of spell slots.
Allow more variance in how a caster chooses to allocate their resources.
Simplify the spellcasting system.
Spells are balanced against spells that cost the same mana.
Spells scale linearly.
Spells can be available at early levels (appropriately powered for that level).
When spells are cast using more mana, spells are still effective compared to spells using that amount of mana.
Spells are not forcibly replaced as you level.
Spells can augment into more complex, but similar, options. Spells like fireball and Delayed Blast Fireball are combined now that spells scale linearly. Delayed blast is an augmentation option for fireball.
Spell ranges use standard distances. Most area of effect spells will use sizes that scale based on the amount of mana expended.
A set number of ranges/sizes is easier to remember.
Groups using theatre of the mind can more easily determine if a target is in range.
Simplify the unnecessary differences between different ranges.
Area of effect spells can scale from low levels to higher levels.